Keep Fleet Business in the Service Lane
Nissan Business Advantage is a consolidated billing and claims authorization program that offer incentives to Fleet Management Companies (FMCs) for using enrolled Nissan dealerships (preferred service locations) for maintenance and repairs.
The Nissan Business Advantage program simplifies the process for dealers, making it easier to become a preferred vendor for the FMCs and it streamlines dealer repair order payments. This program will help Nissan dealers grow their service business with the FMC’s Nissan vehicles.
Are there other products or OEC services I must buy to make Nissan Service Advantage (NBA) active?
No, NBA is a stand-alone, no-charge offering. D2DLink, RepairLink, and CollisionLink are other product examples unrelated to FleetLink and not a requirement to purchase.
Will participating in NBA bring in a new Fleet Management Company (FMC) business for maintenance and light repair?
Yes, we would expect Fleet Management Companies to send fleet units into your dealership for MLR. FMCs manage over 150,000 Nissan VINs and have indicated NBA as a key enabler to servicing these VINs.
What makes are eligible for authorization/reimbursement through the NBA platform?
The Nissan Business Advantage program enables participating Nissan dealers to submit repair orders for authorization and payment of service repairs for all enrolled FMCs in one place.
Can we expect the FMCs involved in NBA to be willing to have all repairs performed at Nissan dealerships after sending MLR business to the aftermarket?
If the dealership is enrolled in NBA, the dealer is considered a preferred dealer in the Fleet Management Companies list of recommended dealers.
How can I learn a bit more about Nissan Business Advantage, enrollment, and what reconciliation of the payments will look like?
Please visit the Nissan Business Advantage Microsite to view where FAQs are provided, along with training videos about how the tool works, and how to reconcile repair order payments from your parts statement.
How do I enroll in NBA?
Go to the Nissan Business Advantage Microsite and select “Enroll Now” to complete the enrollment process. For OEC training and login support, you can view the “Recorded Training” link, access the Support Center once logged in, or contact Customer Support at 1-888-776-5792.
Who are the FMCs on NBA?
LeasePlan, Emkay, Mike Albert, Enterprise, and Donlen are currently live.
If a dealer wants to keep his current agreement(s) with the FMC and not enroll in NBA, is there any reason why they couldn't do that going forward?
Yes, a dealer can retain their current agreement, but the FMCs want a consistent billing system with a single invoice to pay, and every dealer who retains a previous billing process is defeating one of the big benefits the FMCs want from dealers. With no credit card merchant fee, no checks to reconcile, and easy online payment, we hope dealers will consistently join. FMCs prefer to do business with dealers who are enrolled in NBA as a first priority.
How do I get my login credentials? Do I need to call OEC for that information?
Enrollment by the dealer will trigger an email to the OEC Subscription Team, allowing them to create the dealer account and a username for the person who enrolled. Once created, the user will receive an email allowing them to set up their password.
If I sign up for Nissan Business Advantage, and already give a 10% discount to the FMCs, will the NBA 10% add to that so I am giving back 20% to the FMC?
No, the NBA enrollment overwrites existing agreements with the FMCs, confirming all of the latest dealer information is correct. There is an additional 5% fee for Nissan and MyFleetCenter.
Does NBA bill services at Warranty or Retail rates?
Neither. There are no labor times or pricing in NBA, as those pricing and times are between the dealer and FMC; determined initially at work approval and P.O.
If a dealer signs up for NBA, is it mandatory to use the billing process through Nissan?
Yes, that’s the benefit to both the dealer and FMC with the consistent billing and is a requirement of NBA. In fact, enrollment with all FMCs on this is also a requirement. The dealer has this clearly posted to their statement with no credit card and/or other payment fees, and the Fleet Management Companies have one invoice to pay.
Every dealer who says no to NBA because of the billing makes themselves another pay location for the FMCs in the old process – which is what they want to eliminate via centralized billing.
Are engine and transmission assemblies discounted 15%? There is no standard markup on those, just a handling fee with less than a 15% total margin.
Yes, and in those types of commodities, the dealer needs to price for it.
What does it mean when Nissan promises no credit card fees with NBA?
Currently, many dealers get paid by Retail and Fleet clients with a credit card and the service provider pays a few percentage points on the transaction. FMCs billing by credit card may be charging a few percentage points in fees to the dealer. NBA passes no credit fees to the dealer; free enrollment, free repair order payment, free float. Nissan and MyFleetCenter carry the receivable with no transfer costs from Nissan to the dealer.
How and how often does my dealership get paid for Nissan Business Advantage repair work?
How – the dealer enters payment claims into the NBA site and when matched to dealer requests, they are paid to the dealer parts statement on a weekly basis.
What is classified as a Miscellaneous expense when creating the NBA repair order?
Miscellaneous fees include towing, inspections, and shop fees that are not discounted and may need to be called out with comments to explain the detail.
What happens when the FMC rejects a repair order? How will Nissan administer refunds or chargebacks?
Repair orders are required to match before payment, so dealers or Fleet Management receives a notice from NBA when a repair order is incomplete or in error and needs to be corrected. Both parties are advised to resolve the issue, either by key entry correction or additional work approval so repair order details match for payment, minimizing billing issues.
What do dealers use for the Customer Pay op codes? Will the FMC need them or recognize a special labor op – i.e. battery service, coolant flush, etc.?
None of the labor op codes have times connected to them.
What dealer personnel are doing the authorization and RO entry into NBA – the warranty clerks or the advisors?
It makes sense to have the advisor do it since they are getting paid for writing up a customer and they are also writing up the ticket initially. The service advisors consistently handle the write-up and authorization, and while some also build the NBA payment repair order, others want an office manager to enter the repair order. It all depends on the dealer setup.
A dealer's first NBA repair order took 20 minutes to process. Will this process get easier for advisors?
Dealer staff will quickly get more efficient in NBA and many repairs will repeat and become very familiar. If a challenge persists, NBA WebEx training or video clip training exists to help the dealership.
Is the time allowed for the repair restricted to warranty labor standards or can a dealer charge regularly published times from other sources?
The labor code and description in NBA are there to ease the creation of the repair order but are not tied to any times. FMCs in general use ALLDATA for labor timing and expect the nationally advertised prices for the everyday MLR work.
What labor times are allowed for non-maintenance repairs?
Labor time, rate, and part costs are all negotiated between the dealer and FMC; Nissan has no involvement. The dealer needs to price competitively for this business and know it is billed at 15% off the final price (10% FMC, 5% Nissan/MyFleetCenter). The dealer must also take all of the other benefits into consideration, knowing all other vendor competitors pay the service fees so that is not a unique penalty to Nissan.
Is the approval a guarantee of payment without charge-back liability?
If there is a quality of repair argument or services were not completed, the FMC and dealer will need to work that out outside of NBA.
How can I view the permanent video clips on the CSS site that depict how to get a claim entered and reconciled?
Go to the Nissan Business Advantage Microsite and select "Recorded Training." A dealer can also visit the Support Center once logged into the program.
Does the repair order work have to be completed before entering information into NBA?
No, in fact, the information can be entered into NBA right away. All of the information will be saved and is searchable by a VIN, RO, or PO number. Once the work is completed, the repair order can be edited (if needed) and then submitted for payment. This is a best practice for most dealerships.
Does being on NBA mean I’m the #1 recommended dealer in the FMC Network?
NBA is a key enabler to do business with Fleet Management Companies. Being enrolled in NBA makes you a top recommended Nissan dealer in the FMC Network.
What happens when I receive manual approval from an FMC because the internet is down?
Manual PO's are approved and will be paid through Nissan once 'Work Completed' in the platform and the original PO# is notated in the notes section.
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