
The Blueprint Optimization Tool (BOT) is an automated version of the Society of Collision Repair Specialists' (SCRS) Guide to Complete Repair Planning, providing collision repair facilities with an intelligent, easy to use estimate analysis tool.

BOT immediately identifies labor operations, line items and customizable charges that could be overlooked on an estimate or repair plan. The BOT supports individual and multiple shop profiling with customization  of labor and dollar amounts for unique business needs.


  • Minimize supplements by creating more comprehensive repair plans the first time
  • Scan and analyze every repair plan for missed operations
  • Integrate with the "SCRS Guide to Complete Repair Planning"
  • Increase efficiency, repair plan accuracy and customer satisfaction
  • Utilize performance reporting to track overall usage trends and operations captured by estimate, by VIN or by repair planner
  • Improve shop profitability

Hear What Other Shops Are Saying

"I’ve been that guy who didn’t think that this would work for us, or that we could effectively add more to our sheets. We are on a couple DRPs, and I was shocked when they approved close to everything additional we identified and captured on our first handful of estimates we ran through the BOT. We put every sheet we write through it now, and go through and pick every item that comes up that we know we are doing in the back. There is easily a couple hundred dollars per RO that it is helping us capture. If you identify 40 items, they aren’t going to pick apart every item, they may pick apart a couple. But the net result is more operations that we didn’t capture before, that we are now. On top of that, it makes you better at your job. It makes you think more about what is really necessary, what you are doing on a technical level, and how that should be communicated on the estimate. I was a skeptic, but I’m 100% sold on the value it’s generated for us."


- Matt Linder, Classic Chevrolet Cadillac