Interested in learning about the RepairLogic Repair Planning Platform? Complete the form on the right and one of our experts will be in touch!

We are constantly working to expand the reach of RepairLogic by onboarding more OEMs, brands, and models. As of today, we have over 500 models across 22 brands from Ford, Toyota, Nissan, General Motors, Honda, Stellantis, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Genesis, and Subaru (US Only). Kia and Mitsubishi are coming soon! 

Find Out How RepairLogic Works

Quick RepairLogic Overview

Repair Teams Using RepairLogic Say It’s:


Fast and Easy.

RepairLogic is over 2x as fast as existing processes, with more than half of procedures automatically added to repairs.



Repairers say they typically need two or three different sources to find all information necessary for a repair, but RepairLogic contains all necessary information for nearly every completed repair. 



Encourage teamwork, reduce supplements, and promote attention to detail by sharing repair plans with the repair team, carriers, and vehicle owners

RepairLogic puts the vehicle at the heart of the repair process.
Let’s talk about easier ways to get the job done.